Malaysian News

Published on May 13th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan

Hotlink Subscribers faces data issue

Hotlink has recently getting up the nerves of certain of their customers. Maxis workers will probably be tied up with “chores” this whole week.

It seems that Hotlink is charging their data plan subscribers unaccordingly and it creates such a chaos among them and the customer support of one of the largest mobile network coverage in Malaysia. Putting in a more simple thought, customers tend to get their data plan all “sucked up” without even using it. For those of you that left their phone’s data plan on, they probably got their day started badly.

The Hotlink team are currently working on this issue and it will be solved soon. So, don’t worry guys it will all be okay.

Tags: hotlink data plan issue, hotlink internet problem, hotlink issue

About the Author

I love a good source of information or news; but making news fun is what I do. I believe Generation Y will be hooked to "Fun News" one day.

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